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School SEK – Ecuador


The School Transportation Company UNIPRO C.A. offers 40 routes throughout the city ​​and surrounding valleys.  Door-to-door service is offer for both regular hours and also for after-school activities.  Every transportation bus route provides an Assistant.


  1. Subject to the disciplinary regulations in the Educational Scheme, we remain a respectful relationship with the Coordinators, bus drivers and their assistants at all time.
  2. Students must cooperate with the driver by waiting at the designated stop 5 min before the scheduled time in the morning, this will help the bus to meet its normal route itinerary and punctual arrival at the school.
  3. Must wear seat belts and remain seated throughout the route. For the safety of the students, wait until the bus come to a complete stop to getting on and off.
  4. Permanently maintain correct behavior.
  5. Take care of the interior of the bus, keep it clean and in good condition. No food, or drink of any kind are allowed on the bus.
  6. Students will be responsible for any damage they cause inside the vehicle and the parents must recognize the damage done.
  7. For the safety of the students, under no circumstances may they be dropped off in different places unless their parents authorize them to do so.
  8. For the safety of the students, it is strictly prohibited to take the ride home on another bus, unless authorization was granted.
  9.  For those students permitted to ride to different designation in different routes are only permitted to ride if there is an available spot.
  10. When parents require a temporary or definitive change of route    for their children, they must request eight days before the changes. Request will always be attended and when there are places on the bus and they must be up to date in the Payments.
  11. During any emergency occurred, remain calm in the seat until help arrived. Be courteous and help younger students.
  12. Take care of personal belongings and do not forget them on the bus, their loss is not the driver’s responsibility.
  13. For the safety of the students, it is necessary to always keep the contact phone numbers and emails of the parents with the Transportation Coordinator in the school.
  14. Notify the Transportation Coordinator if the students have to leave early with parents or not taking the bus.
  15. If the student refuses to comply with the rules will be reported to the School Authorities, and as a result, the student will be temporarily or permanently suspended from bus service.


For more information contact:

Jenny Almeida


Phone: 0987607169 


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